Comic books inhabit a space somewhere between a child and an adult. Please check out other comics on the fearoftheLordcomics.com website, Repentance, The Refining Fire, The NROP Glasses, The Christmas Present, The Rise of Nothing as well as our latest, Man Vs God: Who Made Who?
There is something fresh and wonderful about the mind of a child, especially one that has not been yet been digitally colonized. I have occasionally spent a month or two on a digital detox myself and by doing so I experienced the agony of withdrawal. I realized I had acquired a dependency on a daily dose of fear and hatred. It energizes me, it's like morning coffee. " Who's trying to destroy the our world, climate, freedom, democracy, economy, brains etc., this morning? Brain, what's today's pick? Fight or flight?" You know what they say, "haters got to hate" and "be afraid, be very afraid". I know its not good long-term but it feels good in the immediate, and gives you that get-up-and-go motivation to get things done in the morning.
But the child looks at the world differently, he investigates it with joy and excitement, breathes it in, feels the love. The world has that new car feeling on steroids. The child vibes deeply with the Creator in a way that crusty old adults can't. The world with it glorious skies, changing seasons, curious creatures and new things to wonder at, it's all a church for them.
Children are not logical, but they are honest, When my daughter was asked what she wanted to be when she was grew up, her first choice was a dinosaur. When my son was a three year-old, he excitedly took me aside a few weeks before Christmas and said, "I'm not going to tell you what Mom and I bought you for Christmas, it isn't a tool belt." Surprisingly when Christmas came along, the present actually was a tool belt.
Adults may be logical but not honest. Once we mature, we need to weave plausibility into our lies, whether the lie's intended target is ourselves or others. Another option is to go with the herd, suspend our logical capacity and submit to the repetitive messaging of the echo chamber we inhabit. I find it refreshing to discuss opposing views with another and it can deepen your understanding considerably. But sometimes it seems like you're talking to an echo chamber or a bot, not someone with flesh, blood and humanity like yourself. Maybe that's why being with children can heal the soul, they have flesh and blood, they haven't become bots.
Maria Montessori, a famed early childhood educator and one of the first female doctors in Italy seemed to prefer children to adults and was a very keen and perceptive of the way the child's mind works. She seemed to think that an awareness of God was hardwired into a child's mind, and would find its voice, even if parents did their very best to ban God from their conversations. Heaven forbid their child be told about God! The incident related in the above comic page is found in Maria Montessori's book, Spontaneous Activity in Education.
I will end this with another quote from Maria Montessori: "The mass of illiterates which covers half of the surface of the earth does not really weigh upon society; what does weigh upon it is the fact that we are ignorant regarding the creation of man, that we trample upon the treasures deposited by God Himself in every child without even being aware of it, because here is the source of the intellectual and moral values which can raise the whole world upon a higher plane."
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