By temperament, I am one of those kindergarteners who would take one marshmallow now rather than wait and get two later. Such a disposition is a marker for non-success in life but that's not a terrible price to pay when you remember that you got to have your marshmallow right away! But what does this have to do with the God vs. Evolution controversy? I do think God choice is the one that makes you have to wait for the marshmallows.
Scripture holds that God created the heavens and the earth. It also asserts that creation should inspire our awe and that awe should naturally transfer to God, the author of creation.
Psalm 65:8 "The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders. " Psalm 8:3-4 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? "
Romans 1:20. "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse."
A sense of awe of creation is truly wonderful, but it is not something you can have on demand. It's not like an adrenalin rush. You can try and predispose your mind to receive awe, but awe may be a no-show. "The wind blows where it pleases" John 3:8. So awe is something you have to wait for, it is not something that waits on you.
When we have a temper tantrum, swear like a drunken sailor, or dish out scorn for God, we do experience a dopamine hit. There is a sense of power as these four-letter words and blasphemies exit our mouths. The same may happen when we engage in escalating negativity spirals that has us indirectly "curse God and die" as Job's wife continuously encourages her husband to do. We feel powerful, smart or one tough customer who refuses to be duped. Some where in the center of our minds a single marshmallow is released, and rage rapidly consumed it to be briefly satisfied.
The adrenalin rush or dopamine hit we experience by trash-talking to God and our fellow man is something that we can manipulate or be manipulated by. Awe of God and His creation or a fear of the Lord is not so easy to control. Scorn of the Lord or denial of His existence is quick marry itself of evolutionary reductionist thinking. Christopher Hitchens's "God is Not Great" assumes evolution as a given. A common origin story for the New Atheisms is this: 'The universe is an accident, the earth is an accident. We are an accident. Morality doesn't exist, it's all an accident of neurological firing patterns in our brains. It may be a happy accident we evolved from bacteria but really it is on no great consequence'
Along with belief in the Theory of Evolution often comes the lazy dismissal of the human race. This is increasingly found in the modern preachers of secularism such as the WEF and UN conference celebrity presenter, Yuval Noah Harari. “Today, most legal systems are based on a belief in human rights. But human rights are a fiction, just like God and Heaven. In reality, humans have no rights, just as chimps or wolves have no rights. Cut open a human, and you won’t find there any rights. The only place where human rights exist is in the stories we invent and tell one another. " The Theory of Evolution seems to have some sort of intrinsic homing device to guide it to final destination, the Valhalla replete with the cancellation of humanity. There is some dispute whether Yuval Harari said "The era of free will is over" or merely meant it. Suffice to say, the world seems to be offering us the choice of being governed by either of two opposing worldviews: one scriptural where we are a "little less than the angels", and another secular, where we are little more than bacteria, our primordial soup ancestors.
The word "angel" means messenger, basically a being that carries truth, There is something to pay attention to if a human being is created a little less than the angels. However, consider the alternative: we are mere envelopes of evolved pond scum with mutations on top of its mutations, billions of years of mutations plus morality doesn't exist, merely the survival of the fittest. What is the justification then for listening to a Yuval Harari, a Karl Marx or a Mr. Dressup? Are their spinning and belching collections of molecules any better than ours in this pointless and absurd universe? Evolutionary creeds invariably resort to Mao Zedong's maxim, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." At their core, evolutionary creeds are about power, and "survival of the fittest". Truth is like a human being swallowed by a python. Once the snake incorporates the nutrients it needs from the dead body being dissolved by its stomach acids, it expels the remains out of its tail end.
Why do so many fall humanity-cancelling thought systems? It's because the snake mesmerizes us with offers to cancel God and Divine Law first, at least as a concept. Once we eat that marshmallow, the trap slams shut. It all sounds pretty bleak until we remember that the "Seed of the woman" eventually comes to crush the serpent's head.
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It was only, oh, half a year ago or so that my 60+ years of belief in the Fable of Evolution began to crumble. I have always struggled with its many defects, but hey, scientists can't be wrong eh? Then I listened to a talk from Fr. Rippiger, the exorcist. Our BIG problem is that The Church has wanted to go along with the world. Beginning in the 1700s(?) trust in the inerrancy of Divine Revelation gave ground to trust in the natural sciences. God has told us when and where He created the earth. I've always been bothered by the idea that something simple can, by some miracle, naturally become more complex.
To think that we have all been…