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Godwin Cotter

At Fear of the Lord comics we are continuing the God Vs. Man: Who Created Who comic. On the above page, our hero is asked to sign on to a hyped-up Stool-in-School research program that seeks to find another link-up between men and apes. This may seem like uncharitable commentary, but there have been some examples of evidence supporting evolution that quite frankly did stink. The scientific establishment has been so over-eager to find the elusive breakthrough evidence that they tell themselves and the public scientific-sounding lies. Totally unwarranted interpretations are often imposed on on observations.

One example was the Nebraska Man, a supposed missing link that was discussed as evidence for evolution in lead-up to the Scopes Monkey Trial. The Nebraska Man was constructed from the find of a single fossilized tooth.

Later on the tooth was discovered to have actually come from an extinct pig. Still later the extinct pig was found extant in South America. The Nebraska Man has a mercifully short life-span as our near ancestor. However, the season of jumping to logic-stretching conclusions has only continued.

One piece of foolishness that has only recently been abandoned was the Ernest Haeckel's 1866 "Biogenic Law", which claims that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny". He theorized that superficial resemblances of various vertebrates as embryos indicated similar evolutionary ancestry. Up until quite recently, hapless biology students had to memorize as one of the distinguishing markers for the phylum Chordata the following: "(2) All have pharyngeal gill slits (or pouches) at some stage of their development." I am quoting from page 809 in Biological Science Second Edition (1972) by Cornell University's William T. Keeton, which happened to be on my bookshelf. The embryonic gill slit nonsense has finally been discredited, but is still around and mentioned in some textbooks, The whole century-long fiasco illustrates how a type of anti-science has evolved or mutated in within the scientific community. Mild-mannered observations are made. For example, vertebrates in amorphous embryonic forms have some slight similarities such as wrinkles and protrusions at the top of the developing spinal column.

Then an interpretation does some serious heavy lifting for evolution. Supposedly evolution can perform incredible miracles like turning small furry animals into gigantic blue whales, given 50 millions years or so to work with. Yet it can be remarkably clunky at the same time. Three hundred million years after becoming warm-blooded, lung-breathing land-animals, humans still have an embryonic pit stop at a fish stage, where an embryo starts to platform entirely useless gill slits! This is all happening during the time in the life-cycle that cell multiplication and cell differentiation is occurring at a break-neck speed. And to think that all of this recapitulation of our descent through a fish stage 300 million years ago can be derived from the observation of small lumps on an embryo. This is particularly impressive given that very juvenile forms of embryos all tend to look somewhat alike.

The wider theory of evolution has layers upon layers of interpreted observations but obvious questions seems to never register. G. K Chesterton quipped that "The evolutionists seem to know everything about the missing link except that it is missing." The same can be said for the evolutionary tree of life - the trunk and branches have never been found. Quoting evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould, "The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. " Another fine point is that the fossil record and present day shows very clearly the planet's painful loss of biodiversity through extinction. Macro-evolution has never been clearly observed, presumably because the process is hundreds of times slower than the glaciers. Yet supposedly, evolution must constantly outpace extinction; bringing forth unimaginably spectacular new forms of life by blind chance or dumb luck, and doing so for 500 million years.

Next a brief look at where the fossils record is found. We sometimes forget the that fossils and fossil fuels were all created by rapid burial of biomatter in waterborne sediments, the kind of thing that might happen in a world-wide flood.  We find gigantic fossil graveyards often with land and marine animals in the same formation, that seem to have been washed up together by some enormous body of water. Then come layers of sedimentary rock laid smoothly one on top of the other, such as the ones we can see exposed in the Grand Canyon and other similar formations. Which is more likely - that this is the layering laid down rapidly like the Mini-Grand Canyon near Mount St. Helens pictured below

or is it due to the continent-sized yo-yo convulsions flipping the land surface back and forth between being covered with inland seas followed by dry land every few million year? Seventy three percent of the earth's land surface is covered with sedimentary rock, even though it is only 8% of the earth's crust by volume. Its average height is 1800 meters (1.1 miles). One would think if the formation of the earth crusts has been an on-again, off-again disaster for 500 million years, the rock types would be more mixed and jumbled together. You wouldn't have the sedimentary rock in its area, igneous and metamorphic rock neatly occupying its areas, everything would be jumbled together and one layer of sediment wouldn't cling to the next layer like a sheet to a blanket.

But the adherents of evolution will object that the fossils have been radiometrically dated millions and millions of years. The age of dinosaurs, for example, lasted from 145 million years ago till 66 million years ago. Number don't lie... or do they? For starters, you can't do radiometric dating on the sedimentary rock that contains fossils. You need to find some volcano-produced igneous rock and make an educated guess as to whether it was formed before, during or after the time of the burial of the fossil in sediments. Then you do radiometric dating on the igneous rock, and to do so, you need to make many assumptions as relative concentrations of parent and daughter radioactive isotopes when the lava freezes into rock. Then another educated guess is made as to whether there has been any contamination of the rock during its millions of years submerged and not submerged in under water. But over many decades, there seems to a scientific consensus that has developed on the estimated age of sedimentary rock layers. Century-old age estimates established precedents and this led to a coordination of watches so to speak. The assumed age of fossils helps with the establishing confidence in the radiometric time estimate and vice versa. But there is cause for concern as igneous rock formed by recently erupted volcanos was radiometric dated, and the results were wildly inaccurate. " For example, when a sample of the lava in the Mt. St. Helens crater was analyzed in 1996, it contained so much argon-40 that it had a calculated “age” of 350,000 years! Similarly, lava flows on the sides of Mt. Ngauruhoe, New Zealand known to be less than 50 years old, yielded “ages” of up to 3.5 million years."

Enter Dr. Mary Schweitzer. In 2003, she discovered soft tissue in a T-rex femur bone. Since then soft tissue has been found in many dinosaur bones and been dated using Carbon-14 as ranging between 22,000 and 38,000 years. This is younger than some cave paintings. It might be time to take a second look at the human and dinosaur tracks found in the same rock formation in Texas's Paluxy River. None of this has shaken the faith of Dr. Schweitzer or the evolutionary establishment in the traditional 66 million year plus burial date for dinosaur fossils. Cover stories are now being written to explain how soft tissue will last tens of millions of years but the most obvious explanation is it never happened. The whole evolutionary time frame was constructed by guess and by golly. The imagined geological column is out of sequence in many parts of the globe and incomplete in all but 1% of the locations. Brute facts are not coming to the defense of evolutionary thought. It is merely observations that have been curated, preened and interpreted in the absence of meaningful criticism. Peer review has always amounted to a cheerleading squad instead of seriously examining evolution's plausibility.

And another problem with the whole gambit is emerging. The incredible span of time needed to make evolution even minutely plausible requires some pretty crazy feats of design for this planet. Supposedly, it has been going around the sun for 4.5 billion years, neither escaping nor surrendering to the sun's gravitational force. That is a perfectly designed system, practically a perpetual motion machine! And again in conventual theory, the earth's climate has been constantly set at an extremely narrow range of parameters to sustain life in some form for 4 billion years. Mars, our nearest neighbor is now frozen solid but once had flowing rivers. Its atmosphere has severely thinned out while our planet, in comparison, has been a hermetically sealed room. That also is either an extraordinary feat of intelligent design or so unbelievably fortunate that we should thank God. To quote Louis Pasteur, "A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you closer to Him."

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