In these two comic pages Luke goes to therapy. Therapy is scary. Some think therapy can cure all, some think it can't cure anything. To me, it's always seemed like submitting yourself to a no-holds-barred extreme-make-over. You're never really sure if you're being worked on by the three stooges or some fashionista stylist-for-the stars. Anyways, Luke starts with judgement therapy. What is judgement therapy you ask? Think the woman caught in adultery in John 8. In a nutshell, it is verbally curb-stomping one's lower self into submission. Remember the old military slogan: "The mandatory beatings will continue until morale improves." Judgement shares the same logic. But usually, even with the most sustained efforts, there are no breakthroughs, no victories. As Samuel Butler observed, "A man convinced against his will remains of the same opinion still." At first, the idea of the inner adult eviscerating the inner child seems wonderful, like a window to Utopia, but like so many utopian visions, it doesn't have the greatest success rate. I wonder why.
Speaking of utopian visions, Luke next embarks on a totally new type of therapy. In It's-All-Good Therapy, saying "No" to the inner child is blasphemy, in fact, the ultimate, "capital B", Blasphemy. Any restraint is evil (or at least as mean-spirited as the Grinch who stole Christmas). It's-All-Good Therapy posits that the problem is not the NROP glasses themselves but with society and its non-acceptance of NROP glasses. Since society is at fault, society has to be beaten into submission so that it can be built back better. Then there will be a double utopia, one utopia arising from NROP glasses and another being birthed by the widespread acceptance of the same.
There are many versions of this therapeutic approach today. But the pain-killer wears off and the perennial suspicion creeps back into the mind that NROP Glasses are really not all that good, and the general public's sunny smile is more one of anxiety melded with idiocy than genuine joy. Anyways, neither therapy works and Luke is at a loss on what to do next.
Luke may be overlooking art. Art can be therapeutic also, sometimes in the creation, sometimes in the apprehension of it. Below is some more art by Sam Mercier, the cartoon artist behind The NROP Glasses series. Below are some of Sam's art to accompany Gospel reflections.

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